Skyrim Fortify Destruction (2025)

1. Fortify Destruction (Skyrim) - Elder Scrolls | Fandom

  • Fortify Destruction is an alchemy and enchanting effect found in certain ingredients and on certain Armors in Skyrim.

  • For other uses, see Fortify Destruction. Fortify Destruction is an alchemy and enchanting effect found in certain ingredients and on certain Armors in Skyrim. Potions increase the strength of Destruction spells when consumed. Damage is increased by the percentage listed on the potion. Since most weapon enchantments fall under the Destruction school of magic, drinking a Fortify Destruction Potion will increase the potency of those effects until the potion expires (tested on Patch 1.9 on PC). Diff

2. Skyrim:Fortify Destruction - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)

  • Skyrim:Comberry · Nightshade · Glow Dust · Daedra Venin

  • Alchemy description: Destruction spells are % stronger for seconds.Enchanting description: Destruction spells cost % less to cast. There are two distinct Fortify Destruction effects: one from Alchemy-created potions and one granted by enchanting armor. Their effects are as follows.

3. Fortify Destruction - Skyrim Wiki - Fandom

4. Fortify Destruction - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guide - IGN

  • Fortify Destruction will boost Destruction Skill in some amount depending on the strength of the potion/enchantment. Ingredients that have the Fortify.

  • Fortify Destruction will boost Destruction Skill in some amount depending on the strength of the potion/enchantment. Ingredients that have the Fortify

5. Fortify Destruction Damage - Skyrim Special Edition - Nexus Mods

  • 15 dec 2021 · This mod just adds a new enchantment that strengthens the damage of destruction spells, to keep it more in line with melee and archery.

  • This mod just adds a new enchantment that strengthens the damage of destruction spells, to keep it more in line with melee and archery.

6. Fortify Destruction (Effect) - Skyrim Alchemy Herbarium

  • Potion of Fortify Destruction ... Description: Destruction spells deal more damage for 60 seconds. Carrying capacity increases for 300 seconds. Restore Stamina.

  • Complete stats for 59 potions with the Fortify Destruction alchemy effect. 3 potions have 5 effects!

7. Fortify Destruction - Skyrim Alchemy Potion Effects

  • Ingredients: · Ash Creep Cluster · Beehive Husk · Ectoplasm · Glow Dust · Glowing Mushroom · Nightshade · Wisp Wrappings. Now updated with Dawnguard, Hearthfire ...

  • Now updated with Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn ingredients!

8. Fortify Destruction? - Skyrim LE - Nexus Mods Forums

  • 26 jun 2013 · Potions are the only way I know of to increase player Destruction magic spell strength in Skyrim, outside of perks.

  • I've come back from a break off skyrim and ive noticed that all fortify destruction enchantments only allow a certain % less to cast. Are their any enchantments in the game that make Destruction spells more powerful? I ask because Ive been favouring "frost cloak" + "ice storm" recently, but they ...

Skyrim Fortify Destruction (2025)


How to get 100% Fortify Destruction? ›

you will need 5/5 Enchanter as well as Insightful Enchanter to get 100% Spell Cost Destruction. you might be able to do it with some powerful fortify enchanting potions, but you'd be better off putting the perks into Enchanting instead of Alchemy if all you want is the destruction reduction.

How to get Fortify Destruction 25%? ›

You'll need 5/5 enchanter perks and the first perk in the middle path to reach 25% fortify destruction.

What is the highest fortify smithing in Skyrim? ›

To achieve the maximum percent increase for Fortify Smithing Potions of 174%, one must use four 41% enchanted armor pieces of Alchemy, and the Seeker of Shadows perk from Sallow Regent black book.

Does Fortify Destruction increase damage? ›

Different from enchantment, potions of Fortify Destruction increase damage.

How do you get 100% destruction cost reduction? ›

Level enchanting to 100, take the appropriate perks in the tree, then get reduce destruction cost enchantment if you don't have it. You can then enchant reduce destruction cost by 25% on each of 4 pieces and have -100% total. Enchant your Helmet, Chest armor, necklace/ring with 25% or higher Spell reduction.

Can you enchant boots with Fortify Destruction? ›

Boots and glove cannot get those enchantments. You're just going to either max your enchant rating or use potions. Boots and gauntlets can not be enchanted with fortify magicka.

What armor can Fortify Destruction? ›

You can learn how to enchant custom items with Fortify Destruction if you find one of the following items and disenchant it:
  • All varieties of Armor, Bracers, Circlets, Helmets, Rings, Necklaces, and Robes of Destruction. ...
  • Hooded Thalmor Robes.
  • Thalmor Robes.
Apr 13, 2024

Does Fortify Destruction affect shouts? ›

Yes, for these shouts at least, potions of fortify have noticeable effects. Fortify Alteration potions make Slow Time last longer, and Fortify Destruction potions increase the damage of the elemental damage shouts.

What is the strongest weapon you can make in Skyrim? ›

The Dragonbone Mace is an excellent example, as it has the highest base damage out of any craftable one-handed weapon. It can be created at a forge, but players can also obtain it by defeating one of the three Keepers in the Soul Cairn, where souls go after being captured in Skyrim.

How many iron daggers to max Smithing skyrim? ›

TIL it takes 2338 iron daggers to get a Nord's base smithing skill of 20 up to 100. Back before the 1.5 patch I remember you only needed 400ish daggers to do it. Ah, the good old days.

Can you stack Fortify Smithing? ›

You could drink two potions of fortify smithing, and as long as they are different (+25% and +10%) they'll stack too.

Does vampiric drain benefit from destruction perks? ›

(Note: It's cost is not reduces by any Destruction proficiency perk and will not train you in Destuction when using it. However, apparel that reduces Destruction skill cost will still have an effect. Therefore making it possible to cast Vampiric Drain for free.)

How much damage does fortify reduce? ›

A 10% reduction in all damage is pretty good, but it's not amazing. Still, Fortify can be an incredible buff, and is used in many different builds, as you can enhance it to make it stronger. Putting sapphires in your armor, for example, can further reduce the amount of damage you take while Fortified.

What is the point of fortify heavy armor? ›

Fortify Heavy Armor increases your Heavy Armor skill.

How do you get 100 percent spell absorption in Skyrim? ›

A vampire taking the Necromage perk before taking both Atronach perk (37.5%) and Atronach Stone (62.5%) can reach a permanent 100% spell absorption.

How do you get to 100 enchanting? ›

The fastest and most useful way to level Enchanting fast is to disenchant everything you aren't using – that means everything. Disenchanting not only gives massive Enchanting XP, it also allows the player to imbue that Enchantment onto a new piece of gear.

How do you make Fortify Destruction? ›

The following alchemy ingredients can be used to create a potion of Fortify Destruction:
  1. Ash Creep Cluster. DB
  2. Beehive Husk.
  3. Comberry CC (1.2× ,1.22× )
  4. Daedra Venin CC (1.2× ,1.22× )
  5. Ectoplasm (0.8× )
  6. Glow Dust.
  7. Glowing Mushroom.
  8. Nightshade (0.8× )
Apr 13, 2024

How do you make the strongest fortify enchanting potion? ›

Ancestor Moth Wing + Blue Butterfly Wing + Chaurus Hunter Antennae. These three ingredients each have the same four effects. Thus, combining any two of these ingredients creates a highly valuable brew with the effects Damage Stamina, Fortify Conjuration, Damage Magicka Regen, and Fortify Enchanting.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.